Must I Be Grateful?


"We can spend our whole lives escaping from
the monsters of our minds"
- Pema Chödrön


  Last century, at my very first adoption support group meeting, the 1st thing I learned about was gratitude. 


I was so terrified before I went to that meeting that I literally hid in a doorway across the street and waited for someone who looked "safe."  A pleasant looking woman approached the entrance so I quickly crossed the street and walked in behind her.  It turned out that she was, as far as I know, the first natural mom with whom I ever spoke.


The meeting began as the feisty group leader stood up, introduced herself and started by asking us to raise our hands if we were grateful. More than half of us put our hands up and the leader said, "why? Why should any of us adoptees be grateful?" A few spoke up saying they owed it to their adoptive parents for taking them in. A few said they were grateful for being adopted. Most were silent.  The leader suggested that we owe nothing for being raised. It was the obligation of our adoptive parents to raise us, give us everything they possibly could to ensure that we were healthy, safe, well fed, clothed, educated, etc.


She said that all children deserved these things and that parents owed it to their children. Some parents may not be able to give it but they do owe it. It is one of the obligations of parenting.  In fact, she went on, our adoptive parents should be grateful to us for giving them the chance to raise a child.


Gratitude feeds the belief that we should be people pleasers.  Gratitude keeps us subservient to others and keeps us enslaved.


How do we change our built in belief to be grateful?

Well, first we need to believe intellectually that gratitude is not appropriate. Being appreciative for our parents going above and beyond the basics is appropriate, but gratitude is not. Second, we need to tell our inner child that she does not need to be grateful and that she will not be punished if she is not grateful. We need to keep telling her this until she believes it 100%. Third, we need to throw the word out.


Put the "G" word with Special, Chosen and Lucky and with the "R" Word, Rejection.


They all belong in the trash can.


Now enjoy the freedom from the need for gratitude.