Warm greetings to all marchers from the Australian Relinquishing Mothers Society of South Australia.  

What a wonderful way to raise awareness of the loss and grief of adoption.   We wish you every success in your fight to have adoption records opened.   Access to knowledge about his or her family is the right of everyone.   We are confident you will eventually succeed.   The war is not yet won here, but several victories have been won and most Australian States now allow varying degrees of access to old adoption records by both adopted persons and birthparents.   It is important that both adopted persons and natural parents gain access to adoption records.   In South Australia everybody adopted since 1988, and their natural parents, have an automatic right to their original birth certificate when they turn 18.    Last year 5 adoptions took place in South Australia.   We hope next year there will be none!!   We understand your fight and we wish each and every one of you success in your quest to find your family that is Missing in Adoption.