Over 40 years of helping those whose lives have been touched by adoption                                                                      

Adoption Healing Weekends

freedom eagle
"And the day came when the risk to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom"  - Anais Nin

"Inner child work is essential.  It's the essence of growth as a whole person" - Cheryl Richardson

"The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to to avoid suffering the more you suffer because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt" - Tomas Merton

"Inner Child work is a way of getting in touch with our younger self... it means we can get in touch things long forgotten, things that control us today, and by doing that, WE can take control of our lives. We can find peace and contentment and Freedom to be ourselves." - JS

  A quiet country setting... on a private lake...

Where understanding, acceptance and empowerment happen for those separated by adoption.

  Two days of healing with adoptees and mothers who have lost children to adoption.

(and the lovable pussycats in residence)

74 lakewood

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Facilitated by Joe Soll and Jen Oakley, these healing weekends  are for adoptees and mothers who lost children to adoption. They are a carefully developed progression of exercises which lead people to  feel safe, enhance visualization techniques leading to inner child work, exploring the ability to experience the feelings that are so scary.  Combining these exercises will allow deep healing providing new paths to inner peace, contentment, and freedom to live authentic lives.

A prerequisite to attending a healing weekend is regular participation in our free nightly support group. We want to ensure that a healing weekend is an appropriate next step in  your healing journey.

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*** You do not have to be reunited to attend     (except for the paired weekends)

***  FYI... One healing weekend is the equivalent of twenty-one 45 minute therapy sessions.

PTSD Website

Weekend Agenda
Travel Arrangements
Register for weekend
info Joe's credentials
info Jen's credentials

for the weekend includes:

 Gourmet Meals, Lodging, Nurturing,
Healing, Laughter and Camaraderie

Dress code is very casual

Reservations  ($150 Deposit Required )

Limit 5 persons

Fri. 4 pm - Sun. 1:30 pm

Those traveling by air must
arrive at the airport by 2pm Thurs!

**  Scholarships are available. Email for details

Accommodations: 2 Bunk rooms with bunk beds.  ( Take a peek inside )

Click here to read what a mom had to say about her healing weekend!

Healers have come from:  Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany,
Israel, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Calendar for this year

*** Wait List available for all weekends
*** Reunited pairs are welcome at all weekends.

Location: Congers, NY  (1/2 hour north of NYC)

(If you would like an Asian born or Latin born adoptee weekend, please let us know.)

======= 2024 ===========

2025 ----

Mar 28 - 30         ( 4 spaces left )

May  16 - 18       ( 1 space left )

Sept  26 - 28        (  4 spaces left )

Dec   5 - 7          

For more information, email or call 845-268-0283


"Adoption Loss is the only trauma in the world where the victims are expected by the whole of society to be grateful" - Rev. Keith C. Griffith, MBE



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Last Updated on October 08, 2023

� Copyright, 2015, Adoption Healing, Inc.